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Aquarium Heaters

The temperature of your aquarium is an important factor in the comfort and well being of your fish. Unlike humans and warm-blooded animals, fish do not produce their own body heat. They must rely on the temperature of the water to maintain their body temperature. Maintaining the temperature in a constant level can be accomplished by using proper heaters.
There are four basic types of aquarium heaters:
1) Immersible heaters
2) Submersible heaters
3) Under Gravel Heaters
4) Filter heaters.
The choice of the heater should be made according to your requirement. There is a way to calculate the size of the heater you would need for your aquarium from the room temperature. The heat mentioned below is the difference between the room temperature and the optimal temperature for the fish.
Tank  Capacity   Heat
5 Degrees C
9 Degrees F
10 Degrees C
18 Degrees F
15 Degrees C
27 Degrees F
5        gal/25L25W50W75W
10      gal/50L50W75W150W
20      gal/75L75W100W200W
25      gal/100L75W100W200W
 40     gal/150L100W150W300W
50      gal/200L150W200W2 x 200W
65      gal/250L200W250W2 x 250W
75      gal/300L250W300W2 x 300W
Other things you’ll need when heating an aquarium
A thermometer:
This is essential, to enable you to monitor the tank temperature and to look out for heater failures. Though the heaters these days come with Thermostat and automatically switches on and cuts off , but its always advisable to have a good submersible thermometer
Spare heater:
Always have at least one spare heater in the house, in case yours fails. Even if you live minutes from the local fish store, you can bet your heater will fail on a Sunday, or at midnight when it’s closed.
A heater guard:
These days most heaters come with guards but there are still a few models without guard.These are cheap plastic guards that fit over the heating element of a conventional heater. They are said not to affect its performance, and they will stop some fish burning themselves on a very hot unit.We have hand picked good heaters from the top brands across the globe for our customers.


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